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Youth Related Projects

Projects focused towards the inclusion and development of Youth

Youth Development
Youth Development

Developing the Youth for a better future

The development of Youth in the understanding and support of conservation is seen as a primary objective in many of the Biosphere Reserves across Africa.   Conservation cannot be successfully achieved without the people and the best place and best time to start, is with the youth.   

Not only are they the warriors of tomorrow but they are also able to bring a fresh and enlightening perspective towards the understanding of conservation within communities and rural villages.

Schools Projects

Schools Projects

The Primary School in the town of Ottoshoop has established a conservation club after attendance of environmental awareness and life skills camps in Groot Marico.

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The club takes part in Urban Greening projects by planting trees in school grounds and town. The kids are exposed to several conservation actions like the building of a household grey water system, recycling and reusing of household and school waste. They also learn about the importance of bees in nature, the impact of veld fires, pollution etc. The Primary Schools in Groot Marico were involved as well.

WESSA Eco-Schools Programme

WESSA Eco-Schools Programme

The Bakwena Platinum Corridor Concession (Pty) Ltd has since 2017 supported 10 schools between Moedwil and Zeerust in the North West Province to develop the green skills of educators and learners so that they can be part of the WESSA Eco-Schools programme. 

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Eco-Schools is school-based environmental management, certification, and sustainable development education programme implemented in 67 countries. It is a global initiative of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), managed in South Africa by WESSA (Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa). The Eco-Schools process is an excellent fit for the Sustainable Development Goals that were developed by the United Nations to end poverty and protect the Earth’s resources. Moreover, the Eco-Schools model is a way for teachers and learners to lead the mobilization of government departments and the private sector from a grassroots level. The key features of the programme are a multidisciplinary, participatory approach that promotes actions to improve the environment of the school and the local community. In addition, the integration of the curriculum to real-life situations benefits learners in terms of delivering quality education. The Eco-Schools programme is described in seven understandable steps and starts with establishing an Eco-Committee to manage, plan and report on actions, curriculum links and whole school involvement. The schools are working on growing food, making compost with microbial composters and earthworms, water management and recycling in order to achieve an award each year. Recently a ‘work to earn’ project with Qhubeka bike has been facilitated whereby schools can earn a  bicycle by collecting bottle tops. The process involves the school governing body, teachers, admin and grounds staff as well as parents, but it is the learners who are empowered to take positive action for a brighter future.

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The Agri Klippan organisation has a vision to equip the student leadership of the Klippan Secondary School with leadership skills through leadership camps and life skills training.

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The school is in urgent need of renovation and upgrading of buildings more specifically the hostel where kids from remote areas need to stay to be able to attend school. Funds are urgently needed for this project.  

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